Father’s Day Shenanigans!

Ahoy, Mateys!

Do ye know what day is on the horizon? That’s right! Father’s Day! For all ye pirates with little buccaneers at home… or already grown swashbucklers… or expecting little ones at some point in the future… it’s a day of celebration and rum. Hence, the Cap’n has decided to help ye celebrate. The Cap’n likes rum and celebration and rum (wait, did I mention rum twice?) So, first of all, the Cap’n and his crew will have a smashing (kick Davy Jones’ in the bollocks and close his locker for good) type of sale. Ye’ll get the email if yer signed up for our scurvy seadog newsletter. Next, the Cap’n has looked starboard as well as aft to bring ye Father’s Day traditions from around the seven seas. Just to give ye, my merry buccaneers, ideas on how to celebrate that special day.

The Cap’n’s all-time favorite way to celebrate Father’s Day comes from Germany. There, a merry band of fathers will meet up early in the morning with a handcart. The handcart will contain a barrel of ale. The lads will go hiking… into the direction of the nearest pub. Needless to say, during that hike, the pirates will get rather thirsty. Luckily, they’ve got their barrel of ale. When they arrive at their destination, they will imbibe that pub’s libations and greet other pirates on a similar journey as theirs. Of course they will also refill their handcart’s barrel for the next leg of the journey. Afterwards, they will continue their hike… to the next pub…. and the next… and the next. Normally you can find the first swashbucklers felled by the alcohol at the side of the road at about noon. I highly recommend it.        

In Mexico, the fathers are a bit sportier. Apart from celebrating with food and music, some dads will also participate in a 21-kilometer race in Mexico City, the “Carrera Día del Padre 21K Bosque de Tlalpan.” Yup! It’s a Father’s Day run. Call me crazy, but I’d rather celebrate the German way.


Thailand celebrates Father’s Day on the birthday of the widely admired King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The King gives an annual speech, while tradition has it that Thais give their fathers and grandfathers the Canna flower, which is considered to have a masculine association. Flowers? Really, lads? Flowers? Where is the ale? Where is the rum? Where is the merrymaking? Where are the busty wenches?

The Russians are a bit more inclusive. On their Father’s Day they don’t only celebrate fathers, but men in general.  Men are celebrated in Russia on Defender of the Fatherland Day. The February 23rd holiday started as a military commemoration. Soldiers are still honored in parades throughout the country. Women give the important men in their lives — not just dads — gifts.

The Nepalese celebration of Father’s Day is called Gokarna Aunsi, which literally translates as ‘cow earned no moon night.’ Sons touch their foreheads to their father’s feet and daughters touch their foreheads to their father’s hands. Children also give gifts to their fathers. That’s all very nice, of course, but personally, the Cap’n would still prefer some ale and merrymaking and carousing with the fellas.

All right, mateys, this was our Father’s Day journey around the world. Let the Cap’n know how you would like to celebrate Father’s Day. The Cap’n and his crew are always happy to hear from ye.

May fair winds always fill yer sails!


The Cap’n

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