Groom Thyself!

Groom Thyself!

Ahoy, me hearties! Summer be over and done with. Let me repeat that for the swashbucklers who still have rum in their ears: summer be over and done with. No, that doesn’t mean that ‘winter is coming’ (note how I got the pop culture thingy in there – the buccaneers have told the Cap’n that…

Men’s Axis

Men’s Axis

Ahoy, Mateys! Check out the love we got from The Cap’n and his crew are delighted that Blackbeard for Men has been named one of the best beard dyes. But ye buccaneers probably already know this; otherwise ye wouldn’t be readin’ this here blog scroll. The swashbucklers over at were especially taken by…

Best Beard Dyes & Colors of 2019

Best Beard Dyes & Colors of 2019

Ahoy, Mateys! We were thrilled when swashbuckler and beard expert Ali Kuoppala — the founder of Beard Resource ( — included our own Blackbeard for Men amongst his picks for “Best Beard Dyes & Colors of 2019. You can find his list right here: He looked at different categories including natural ingredients, price, and…

Father’s Day Gifts!

Father’s Day Gifts!

Ahoy, Lads! It’s June! Time flies like our vessel glides across the waves – or maybe it just feels that way ‘cause the last bottle of rum I drank was bad. Anyway, swashbucklers, Father’s Day is comin’ upon us rapidly. What does that mean for ye, fierce buccaneers? Well, yer offspring waitin’ for ye on…