Thar Be a Stowaway Aboard!

Thar Be a Stowaway Aboard!

Meet Stowaway Jane, the Wandering Maid                                                                                                                           . Avast, me hearties! As many of ye know, fer the last decade the good ship S.S. Blackbeard for Men has sailed the world, informing our bearded brethren about Blackbeard for Men instant, brush-on beard and mustache color. We’ve had a lot of adventures in the past ten…

Birthdays. Aargh.

Birthdays. Aargh.

Lads! As yer Cap’n writes this, I be just days away from me birthday. Not sure why we celebrate this day. Who wants to be a year older? Let’s face it, with the exception of the ultra-rich and the globalist elites who seem curiously impervious to meeting their maker, all of us kick the proverbial…