Coming Soon: Blackbeard for Men SEASOAP

Ahoy, lads! Cap’n Jim here with some exciting news. Over the last ten years, ye’ve all gotten to know Blackbeard for Men for our simple, easy-to-use, hypoallergenic beard color. We’ve helped tens of thousands of men look younger and get their mojo back.

But something else has been happening over the past ten years. Something so evil, so pernicious, that it pains me to even bring it up. Yet arrgh, bring it up I must.

Yer Cap’n is aging.

Aye, horrors indeed! But I know all ye lads know exactly whereof I speak, because it’s happening to us all. Slowly, inexorably, and unavoidably. And while covering it up with Blackbeard for Men beard color indeed helps enormously, aye, time and gravity continues to ravage us.

Time to strike back.

In the coming months, we will be rolling out several new products to help ye fight back against that devilish bastard Father Time.

Announcing Blackbeard for Men SEASOAP (TM.)

Seasoap is a gentle but powerful new bar soap formulated specifically for Blackbeard for Men. Seasoap is packed with ingredients to help yer skin withstand even the toughest weathering. From collagen to help restore skin’s youthful elasticity, to vitamin E and kelp to give yer skin the power to fight back against the ravages of time. But that’s not all. We’ve added jojoba oil and cucumber extract to moisturize and help reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Lest we forget to mention the bar itself is big and mighty — over 6 ounces (compare that to other men’s luxury bar soaps which come in at 5 ounces.)

And finally, it looks badass: like the sea itself, and and has a wonderful, soothing sea minerals scent.

Look for Blackbeard for Men Seasoap coming this fall right here at the Blackbeard for Men store.

May fair winds always fill yer sails.

Cap’n Jim

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