award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's blog
get your beard on
award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's Blog
get your beard on
Important Communiques from the Bridge of the S.S. Blackbeard for Men.

Birthdays. Aargh.
Lads! As yer Cap’n writes this, I be just days away from me birthday. Not sure why we celebrate this day. Who wants to be a year older? Let’s face it, with the exception of the ultra-rich and the globalist

Christmas Gifts for the Beard!
Ahoy, Mateys! Last year, the Cap’n opined – after all, he loves opining – on the perfect stocking stuffers for yer best asset. The Cap’n got many messages in a bottle from lads (and even some lassies) who appreciated his

Winter Beard on the Horizon!
Ahoy, Mateys! ‘Tis the season… again. The season when yer most likely freezin’ yer tail off and dreamin’ of summer. When yer bemoanin’ the lack of sun and suddenly understand why the old Celts worshipped that glowin’ orb. In other

The Cap’n Conquers the Emerald Isles
Ahoy, lads! Cap’n Jim here to share with ye what we’ve been up to the last few weeks. We received an “invitation” from a certain ‘Lord Mayor’ in a sleepy Irish seaside town that shall go unnamed. A cunning,

Beard Care Mistakes to Avoid!
Ahoy, Mateys! Today, let’s talk not of the beauty of the beard, but how ye can ruin said beauty. Not that we’d ever do it on purpose. But sometimes even a mighty buccaneer makes mistakes. Let’s start with an all-too-obvious

Cap’n Jim’s Top 5 Drink Recipes
Ahoy, all ye lubbers, scoundrels, ruffians, rogues, and salts! Now I have heard tell among the crew that me reputation may not be as stellar as it once was. Aye, yer Cap’n be known as many things — pirate, lover,
I hope ye all love Blackbeard for Men as much as I do. There be a new gray beard solution in town. Arrr! Get Your Beard On!

Cap’n Jim
Blackbeard for Men
This product is the one. I'm 65 and look 45 or maybe 40 lol!! This product will be bought Again!!