award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's blog
get your beard on
award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's Blog
get your beard on
Important Communiques from the Bridge of the S.S. Blackbeard for Men.

Swashbuckler, take care of yer BEST ASSET!
Ahoy Mateys! That above-mentioned best asset would be yer beard! Ye don’t want it looking all raggedy. Ye should trim the edges of yer beard or mustache EVERY DAY. Just trim — a bit — ye don’t want to cut

Shape Yer Beard!
Ahoy, mateys! Often the Cap’n gets asked what exactly to do with those facial whiskers. Well, swashbuckler, that very much depends on the shape of yer face. Yer manly beard should compliment yer mug. Here are some guidelines that every

Beware the Red!
Ahoy Mateys! Cap’n Jim here! Often we get emails askin’ us if our product will redden the face of some poor lad. Meaning will some swashbuckler have an allergic reaction? The answer, of course, is a resounding NO! In fact,

No Valentine’s Day Sale This Year. Argh.
Ahoy, faithful crew, Cap’n Jim here with the unfortunate news that we will not be able to offer our traditional Valentine’s Day Sale this year. But fear not — ye won’t have to wait long. We’re planning on having back-to-back

Avast, Mateys!
Ahoy! More advice about the lasses from the Cap’n. Tis the time of year after all and the 14th is comin’ up. If yer want to read everything the Cap’n has to spout on, well, everything, then shoot us an

Valentine’s Beard
Mateys, it’s that time of year — yer on the prowl for a lass to take out on the 14th. Now, the Cap’n has a ship-full of good advice for ya. Ye need to guard yer treasure wisely, laddie. Ya
I hope ye all love Blackbeard for Men as much as I do. There be a new gray beard solution in town. Arrr! Get Your Beard On!

Cap’n Jim
Blackbeard for Men
This product is the one. I'm 65 and look 45 or maybe 40 lol!! This product will be bought Again!!