award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's blog
get your beard on
award winning blog for men and beards
Cap'n's Blog
get your beard on
Important Communiques from the Bridge of the S.S. Blackbeard for Men.

Celebrate LABOR DAY like a PIRATE!
Ahoy, Mateys! Let’s take a step back from our beard grooming needs this week and talk about Labor Day! Needless to say, even during the holiday, the Cap’n is here to take care of all of yer beard’s needs. In

BEARD DYE – What You Need To Know!
Ahoy, Mateys! Let’s tackle a more serious subject this week: the effect beard dyes can have on your body. Many of you already know why I created Blackbeard for Men – because my formerly roguishly handsome mug turned gray and

Growing Your FIRST BEARD!
Ahoy, Mateys! The Cap’n’s been goin’ on and on about how to shape yer beard and make it all it can be. But we’ve been gettin’ lots of questions from first-timers lately… or, as the Cap’n likes to call ‘em,

BEARDS — and World History!
Ahoy, Mateys! Now, mateys, ye might think that you are only making a personal statement when growing a beard. But, as it turns out, you’re also a product of your time. Researchers have identified four distinct beard periods in world

Some Help for the SIDEBURNS!
Ahoy Mateys! Last week we talked about takin’ care of yer eyebrows. This week we wanna talk about yer sideburns. And, yeah, we’re using the “royal we” here, since the Cap’n not only talks about himself in the third person

GRAY EYEBROWS on the horizon!
Ahoy, Mateys! Well, first the bad news: yer beard might not be the only thing to give yer age away. Your eyebrows can also be a culprit. None other than the Cap’n himself has noticed that lately. My beard has
I hope ye all love Blackbeard for Men as much as I do. There be a new gray beard solution in town. Arrr! Get Your Beard On!

Cap’n Jim
Blackbeard for Men
This product is the one. I'm 65 and look 45 or maybe 40 lol!! This product will be bought Again!!