Captain’s Log

Ahoy, scalawags!

In case ye haven’t noticed, and pardon our dust, there have been a few changes over here at the good ship Blackbeard for Men. We’ve been working relatively hard (well, gotta leave some quality rum time, don’t ye know…) to bring all of ye a better customer experience.

To start, ye may have noticed some changes to our website. We’ve only recently heard about this phenomenon called the interweb, and I must admit, the wifi aboard our ship be piss-poor. Fortunately, chief scullery officer and webmistress Debs has cooked up what we hope to be a more compelling and easier-to-navigate web experience, so that all of ye crew can get yer Blackbeard and get back to yer daily marauding more quickly. We hope ye all like the new web experience. And if ye don’t, weapons officer and barnacle scrubber PegLeg McFishmonger would love to explain the fine art of keelhauling to ye. 😉

I’ve been told that the “;)” characters I just used somehow indicates “winky smile.” Not sure I get it, but, carry on then.

Secondly, we’ve streamlined our shipping process. At long last every single shipment, both US and international, is trackable. Sadly, this doesn’t actually speed up the dreadfully leaky barge that is the US postal service, but overall our shipping times are pretty good. And as always, if ye have any delivery issues please contact us and we will get right on it.

Speaking of delivery issues, USPS recently raised postage rates for the fifth consecutive year. We be doing our best to NOT pass along these rate hikes to ye. But mind ye, once again, international clients take the worst hit. And they call US pirates! Arrr.

The good news be, we now have an affiliate in the UK called So those of ye in the UK or Europe, please visit their website and order from them, as it should speed up yer delivery times a bit. As well, we be currently in discussions with distributors in other countries such as India, Pakistan, and the UAE, so we hope to have better, faster ways for all of ye to get yer beard on soon.

It’s always a pleasure serving ye, and bringing darkness to the world (in the form of beard color, that is.) If ye have any suggestions fer us, or great anecdotes about yer own sacking, pillaging, or feats of derring-do, do drop the Cap’n a line.

May yer sails always be full and yer coffers overflowing.
Cap'n Jim Log

Cap’n Jim
Blackbeard for Men

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