Ahoy lads, our apologies, but due to the demolition of the US Postal Service by the corrupt forces of privatization, led by Crookmaster General Louis DeJoy, we have been forced to switch around 90% of our Canada shipments from USPS to UPS – at much higher cost.
We noticed a distinct pattern of USPS first class mail parcels to Canada being lagged by a full month before even being sent to the airport. This is clearly being done deliberately to wreck the USPS’s most affordable shipping service and force businesses to move to private carriers.
Unfortunately, that is exactly what we have had to do. So ye will certainly notice shipping to Canada is now far more expensive than it used to be, between $18.50 – $22 for most parcels. Again, we apologize for the situation, but it’s either go with UPS (with 5-7-day delivery) ordeal with a lot of angry customers wondering why they have not received their US mail shipments.
The good news, lads, is that we are in the process of setting up a Canada-based distributor now, and hopefully they will be up and running by October/November. This will eliminate both the high shipping costs as well as long delivery times.
Thanks to all of ye for yer patience during these difficult times. Arrgh.