quick & easy Beard Color

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quick & easy Beard Color

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The Non-Irritating, Easy-To-Use Beard Dye Alternative!

Blackbeard for MenTM be founded by Cap’n Jim and his crew of scurvy sea dogs in 2012, when the intrepid buccaneer discovered a wintry forest creeping into his dashing pirate goatee. He looked starboard and he looked aft, but couldn’t find a solution. So he battened down the hatches and created Blackbeard for MenTM for himself and any lad (or lassie) that needs it. Mateys, let yer jolly roger fly high! The Cap’n’s got yer back.

Before & After
Some of the before and after photos you guys have sent us. One of the cool things about Blackbeard for MenTM is there are several ways you can use it. You can just hit the gray hairs and not the whole beard; you can fill gaps; you can apply it heavily or lightly; you can leave some gray; you can ‘dry-brush’ it on for a subtle/stubble effect. Check out what these Blackbeards have done.

Cap’n’s Blog
The Blackbeard For Men’s official Blog – read all about the Cap’n Jim’s adventure on the high seas and the interweb. Read all about it.

Contact Us
Questions? Comments?Hit us up using the email form below, or write to us.We strive for top-notch customer service and try to respond to every inquiry within 24 hours. Thanks for visiting our site and we hope you enjoy using Blackbeard for MenTM! Complete the form.

Customer Care
All you need to know abiut shipping timelines, cost breakdowns, returns, refunds, exchange policy and privacy policy which we take very seriously. Read the full details.

Everything You Need To Know About Coloring Your Beard can be found here. Can’t find the answer to your Blackbeard For Men question? Just give us a holla on our Contact Page we’ll get back to you pronto!

The first page of the Non-Irritating, Easy-To-Use Beard Dye Alternative that is Blackbeard For MenTM. Start here if ye not sure which way the wind be blowing Get Your Beard On!

Buy now risk free! Choose from 5 colors: Black – rich, lustrous pirate matte black; Brownblack – our darkest brown; Dark Brown – apply lightly for medium/dark, hevaily for darker; Light/Medium Brown – not too light, hue close to that of cardboard; Brown/Auburn – medium brown with reddish overtone.

We love to hear from all ye scurvy sea-dogs who be at sail with the Cap’n usin’ Blackbeard for MenTM. Read some of the many testimonials from the crew.

Tips & Tricks
Get the best out of using Blackbeard For MenTM: Apply dry. Keep it neat. Be Rembrandt. Consider leaving a little gray. Just a little touch-up. Oops. Get your date on. Mix n’ match. Beware the hair. The power is in your hands. Proceed with confidence. Read all the tips here.

Scoundrels, every pirate be needin’ a good laugh. Check out some of our videos. We’ll be bringin’ ye many more as the Cap’n and his crew of marauding sea dogs travel the world creating mischief, rewriting history and gettin’ some booty. Arr!


Cap'n Jim and Cheecho

Cap’n Jim
Blackbeard for Men

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