qucik & easy Beard Color Black get your beard on quick & easy Beard Color Black get your beard on I hope ye all love Blackbeard for Men as much as I do. There be a new gray beard solution in town. Arrr! Get Your Beard On! Cap’n Jim Founder Blackbeard for Men Blackbeard for Men is a Quick And Easy Beard Color founded by Cap’n Jim and his crew of scurvy sea dogs in 2012, when the intrepid buccaneer discovered a wintry forest creeping into his dashing pirate goatee. He looked starboard and he looked aft, but couldn’t find a solution (ye be readin’ all about it below, arr). So he battened down the hatches and created Blackbeard for Men for himself and any lad (or lassie) that needs it. Mateys, let yer jolly roger fly high! The Cap’n’s got yer back. To find out more about Blackbeard For Men, read this interview with founder Cap’n Jim. let yer jolly roger fly photo gallery Cap'n Jim and his crew, scuttling the salacious scourge of gray facial hair with Blackbeard for Men instant, brush-on beard color. Arr. connect with us share your beard Instagram Facebook-f Youtube Envelope top of page