Ahoy, Mateys! Normally this here blog be full of good pirate-y advice on how to achieve the perfect beard and bring out yer facial glory so you, too, can be master of the seven seas with a wench in every port. Today the Cap’n has decided to turn his ship from starboard to aft so…

Trendy Beards!

Trendy Beards!

Ahoy, Mateys! As ye know we live in the bearded age. Wherever ye go it’s beards and beards galore. The Cap’n loves it and surely so do you. With 2017 really underway now, the Cap’n thought it’s high time (no… not high times… that’s after sundown when the ship is docked) to look at trending…

The Chinstrap Beard!

The Chinstrap Beard!

Ahoy, Mateys! We’ve been getting emails about the chinstrap beard. Hence, the Cap’n assumes some of you fearless marauders are thinking of taking the plunge… or the strap… as that may be. Other pirates may still be wondering what a chinstrap beard is. A chinstrap, in the strictest sense, is exactly what it sounds like….

Breaking Bad Beard!

Breaking Bad Beard!

Ahoy, Mateys! Now, the Cap’n is a big fan of Walter White. Ye know, that rascal Heisenberg from New Mexico. The Cap’n especially likes his look. The bald head plus beard makes him seem like a powerful swashbuckler. It’s a trend that’s been around for a while. It has staying power ‘cause of its definite…