Thanksgiving Beard!
Happy Thanksgiving, Mateys! Since Turkeyday is just around the corner, the Cap’n thought this would be a good time to explore the connection between a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and beard growth. Ye may think it’s just a tenuous connection, but ye would be wrong. Pirates, did ye know that a turkey has a beard? Indeed…

A Pirate Lady’s Opinion on Beards
Ahoy Mateys of the Cap’n! I was asked to give my five doubloons worth of an opinion on the subject of beards and how the lasses might feel about them. My unequivocal opinion on the subject is: well, it depends! Look, swashbucklers, many men wear a beard nowadays (and some women, too). Beards are the…

Why Men Grow BEARDS!
Ahoy, Mateys! Us bearded dudes seem to be everywhere these days! Ye walk down any street in any city in any part of the world and what do ye see? Beards and beards galore. From three-day stubble to Santa Claus full, from handlebar mustache to refined goatee, we are everywhere. And, mateys, as someone who…

Help! I’m turning GRAY!
Ahoy, Mateys! It seems that our fellow pirates feel like they need to walk the plank when they gape into the mirror and suddenly see the wintry forest sprouting on their faces. The Cap’n knows what that feels like. After all, it’s why the Cap’n created Blackbeard for Men. Many lads have asked the Cap’n…

Movember Mustache!
Ahoy, Mateys! Do you know what will happen next Tuesday? That’s right! It’s the beginning of November… or, as all of us pirates know, Movember. Grow yer mustache – if ye haven’t already – and raise awareness of oft overlooked men’s health issues like prostate cancer. If ye want to know more about Movember, ye…

Grow your Beard — Quickly!
Ahoy, Mateys! As ye know, a lot of cultures view a beard as a sign of a pirate’s virility, as well as of his social status, sexual prowess, wisdom and strength. Even Charles Darwin thought that the process of sexual selection may have led to beards. Contemporary biologists agree, since a majority of lasses find…

The Handlebar Moustache
Ahoy, Mateys! Let’s talk about the handlebar moustache, because it seems to be trending among pirates. What is a handlebar moustache you may ask? It’s a particularly lengthy mustache, which is upwardly curved at its ends. Historically speaking, this type of moustache has been around for a very long time. The ancient Celts wore it…

Beard Help: Remedies for Razor Bumps!
Ahoy, Mateys! Once in a while, us pirates need to shape our beards. Ye know, if we go maraudin’ or if it’s a holiday or if we’re breaking bread with a pretty lassie it’s good to groom. The problem with groomin’ that magnificent facial hair of ours is that sometimes those little red pustules appear…

Beard Growth & Testosterone
Ahoy, Mateys! Our beards are our best assets. They make us look good and give us that masculine, pirate-y charm we crave. (Also, the lassies love stroking those beards.) Of course we are always looking for ways to support beard growth. So let’s talk about how our hormones can support us in our quest for…