Trendy Beards!

Trendy Beards!

Ahoy, Mateys! As ye know we live in the bearded age. Wherever ye go it’s beards and beards galore. The Cap’n loves it and surely so do you. With 2017 really underway now, the Cap’n thought it’s high time (no… not high times… that’s after sundown when the ship is docked) to look at trending…

The Chinstrap Beard!

The Chinstrap Beard!

Ahoy, Mateys! We’ve been getting emails about the chinstrap beard. Hence, the Cap’n assumes some of you fearless marauders are thinking of taking the plunge… or the strap… as that may be. Other pirates may still be wondering what a chinstrap beard is. A chinstrap, in the strictest sense, is exactly what it sounds like….

Breaking Bad Beard!

Breaking Bad Beard!

Ahoy, Mateys! Now, the Cap’n is a big fan of Walter White. Ye know, that rascal Heisenberg from New Mexico. The Cap’n especially likes his look. The bald head plus beard makes him seem like a powerful swashbuckler. It’s a trend that’s been around for a while. It has staying power ‘cause of its definite…

Cold Weather Beard!

Cold Weather Beard!

Ahoy, Mateys! ‘Tis the season… the cold one. Winter be upon us. If ye have a beard and live in a not-so-temperate zone yer a lucky pirate, cause yer beard will keep ye warm. I’ve even heard swashbucklers swear up and down the canal that their beards grow more quickly in winter. (Sorry, lads, it…

The Beard In Review!

The Beard In Review!

Ahoy, Mateys! ‘Tis the season. The season when every pirate and their grandmother writes about the past year. The highs. The lows. The never-forgets as well as the forget-it-quickly-if-ye-wanna-keep-yer-sanity. So as not to be outdone by some landlubbers, we thought we’d do the same. Here then is the “Beard in Review.” First of all, though,…

Thanksgiving Beard!

Thanksgiving Beard!

Happy Thanksgiving, Mateys! Since Turkeyday is just around the corner, the Cap’n thought this would be a good time to explore the connection between a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and beard growth. Ye may think it’s just a tenuous connection, but ye would be wrong. Pirates, did ye know that a turkey has a beard? Indeed…