Thar Be a Stowaway Aboard!

Thar Be a Stowaway Aboard!

Meet Stowaway Jane, the Wandering Maid                                                                                                                           . Avast, me hearties! As many of ye know, fer the last decade the good ship S.S. Blackbeard for Men has sailed the world, informing our bearded brethren about Blackbeard for Men instant, brush-on beard and mustache color. We’ve had a lot of adventures in the past ten…

Men’s Axis

Men’s Axis

Ahoy, Mateys! Check out the love we got from The Cap’n and his crew are delighted that Blackbeard for Men has been named one of the best beard dyes. But ye buccaneers probably already know this; otherwise ye wouldn’t be readin’ this here blog scroll. The swashbucklers over at were especially taken by…