quick & easy Beard Color


get your beard on
quick & easy Beard Color


get your beard on
Jim holding Cheecho White

The Adventures of Cap'n Jim & 17th Mate Cheecho

Dread scourge of white spreading across yer face, lads? Whether it be dating, job interviews, or everyday chitchat, people judge ye on yer appearance. Fortunately, Blackbeard for Men’s Cap’n Jim and 17th Mate Cheecho are here to save the day! Check out the exciting animated adventures of the Cap’n and his ridiculous chihuahua as they help fellow pirates go from old to bold in seconds. Remember to always wield the power of yer beard responsibly, lads.
Georgie's Beard

The Saga of Georgie's Beard

Conquering the six seas

Conquering the Six Seas

From Old To Bold Video

From Old to Bold in Seconds

Get Your Beard On.

Scoundrels, every pirate be needin’ a good laugh. Check out some of our videos. We’ll be bringin’ ye many more as the Cap’n and his crew of marauding sea dogs travel the world creating mischief, rewriting history and gettin’ some booty. Arr!
Lortenzo Blackbeard For Men Video

From Old to BOLD in Seconds

look 5 years younger in 5 minutes

5 Years Younger in 5 Minutes

Beard Dye Sucks!

Beard Dye Sucks But There Is An Alternative

How Beard Color Could Have Prevented the Fall Of Rome

How Long Does It Take to Apply Blackbeard for Men

How Long Does It Take To Apply?

blackbeard for men tips and tricks

Brush-on Bread Color Tips & Tricks

Beard Dye Sucks. A Better Idea from Blackbeard for Men.

Beard Dye Sucks!

Get Your Beard On. Get Laid

Get Beard. Get Laid.

Wipe Out The gray

Wipe Out the Gray in Yer Beard and Get It On, Pirates!

40 Seconds from Gray Beard to Groovy Beard

Go From Graybeard to Blackbeard In Seconds

let yer jolly roger fly

photo gallery

Cap'n Jim and his trusty 17th Mate Cheecho, scuttling the salacious scourge of gray facial hair with Blackbeard for Men instant, brush-on beard color. Arr.

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