quick & easy Beard Color

About Us

get your beard on
quick & easy Beard Color

About Us

get your beard on
Cap'n Jim and Cheeco

Blackbeard for Men is a quick and easy beard color founded by Cap’n Jim in 2011, when the intrepid buccaneer discovered a wintry forest creeping into his dashing pirate goatee. (In other words, he was turnin’ gray!) He looked starboard and he looked aft, but couldn’t find a solution that didn’t burn his face off and wasn’t a royal pain in the arse to apply. So he battened down the hatches and created Blackbeard for Men for himself and any privateer who needs it.

The S.S. “Blackbeard for Men” is docked in sunny Los Angeles, CA.

Blackbeard for Men’s mission is to provide a fast, easy alternative for men who either cannot use harsh chemical beard dyes because of skin reactions; or they simply do not care for the horrible process of dyeing; or they just want a better, more natural look with Blackbeard for Men versus the too-uniform and artificial look of dyes. We want to empower men to take back their youth and vitality with a fast, affordable product that can take years off your appearance in seconds.

Blackbeard for Men is a temporary cosmetic color, not a dye. It is water-resistant and generally lasts 8-12 hours. Most men can use Blackbeard for Men without skin irritation. However, we do recommend testing a small sample of the product on your arm for 24 hours before applying it to your facial hair, especially if you have known skin sensitivities or allergies.

Blackbeard for Men is available online only, and you can order right here from us at this site or from any of our international distribution partners. We are a small, family-owned company, and we take pride in our personalized customer service. If ever anything is not to your satisfaction, please contact us and we will make it right. Do check us out on social media as well, for we take pride in putting out a steady stream of humorous, beardnificent content generally featuring the Cap’n and 17th Mate Cheecho, his (un)trusty chihuahua. Ye know, many folks don’t think of the chihuahua as a seafaring animal. And they would be correct.

And if yer fine vessel be passing our ship on the high seas, don’t worry — we probably won’t board ye. Probably.

To find out more about Blackbeard For Men, read this interview with founder Cap’n Jim.

Blackbeard for Men is a quick and easy beard color founded by Cap’n Jim in 2011, when the intrepid buccaneer discovered a wintry forest creeping into his dashing pirate goatee. (In other words, he was turnin’ gray!) He looked starboard and he looked aft, but couldn’t find a solution that didn’t burn his face off and wasn’t a royal pain in the arse to apply. So he battened down the hatches and created Blackbeard for Men for himself and any privateer who needs it.

The S.S. “Blackbeard for Men” is docked in sunny Los Angeles, CA.

Blackbeard for Men’s mission is to provide a fast, easy alternative for men who either cannot use harsh chemical beard dyes because of skin reactions; or they simply do not care for the horrible process of dyeing; or they just want a better, more natural look with Blackbeard for Men versus the too-uniform and artificial look of dyes. We want to empower men to take back their youth and vitality with a fast, affordable product that can take years off your appearance in seconds.

Blackbeard for Men is a temporary cosmetic color, not a dye. It is water-resistant and generally lasts 8-12 hours. Most men can use Blackbeard for Men without skin irritation. However, we do recommend testing a small sample of the product on your arm for 24 hours before applying it to your facial hair, especially if you have known skin sensitivities or allergies.

Blackbeard for Men is available online only, and you can order right here from us at this site or from any of our international distribution partners. We are a small, family-owned company, and we take pride in our personalized customer service. If ever anything is not to your satisfaction, please contact us and we will make it right. Do check us out on social media as well, for we take pride in putting out a steady stream of humorous, beardnificent content generally featuring the Cap’n and 17th Mate Cheecho, his (un)trusty chihuahua. Ye know, many folks don’t think of the chihuahua as a seafaring animal. And they would be correct.

And if yer fine vessel be passing our ship on the high seas, don’t worry — we probably won’t board ye. Probably.

To find out more about Blackbeard For Men, read this interview with founder Cap’n Jim.


How Men Deal With Their Graying Mustache & Beard

Step One: Ignore It.

Most of us proud scalawags are not really aware how much older our gray facial hair be makin’ us look; or we be deludin’ ourselves into thinking that it looks “distinguished” and we be all shipshape. Aye, the gray creeps up on us pirates slowly indeed, so what at first seems no big deal suddenly becomes, “Ahoy, Graybeard!” Arrgh.

step two: try to deal with it.

let the battle commence

Upon finally realizing that the gray be a problem, we seek out solutions. And the only solution that be available to us swabs ‘til now is Just for Men Mustache & Beard (or a henna beard dye that requires multiple applications to build up any intensity of color.) So we purchase a box from the local drugstore, momentarily excited that we found a way to lick the gray, we have.

Until we try using the stuff.

Okay, first of all, ye only get three applications per box. So if ye be like me, and yer beard and mustache grow rapidly, that means within a few days after applying the beard dye, ye already got gray roots/ Wait, do ye mean I have to do the whole painstaking application process all over again.? (Note: Blackbeard for Men works well at touching up those roots, if ye still be likin’ yer beard dye fer some reason.)

Speakin’ of the application process, the harsh chemical smell knocks ye for a loop. Almost killed me parrot, it did! For sure, applying the product be a pain, and ye have to breathe these acrid fumes for five minutes and then take a shower. That be a lot of time and hassle, pirates. Wouldn’t ye rather be weighin’ anchor, hoistin’ the mizzen, and buyin’ a pretty lass a bottle of rum, rather than be stuck in the bathroom?

So again, if ye mateys be like me, ye soon throw in the towel and go to…

step three: Ignore it again.

get your beard on.

Which brings us to now. See, with a tip of the hat to Sy Sperling of Hair Club for Men, I be not only the Cap’n of Blackbeard for Men, I be also a client. ARR! (Now that be a real, pirate Arr this time, lads.) I knew there had to be another way. I envisioned a gray beard solution that applies in seconds, not five-plus excruciating minutes. I wanted something ye could apply easily, daily, so as to keep up with roots. I wanted something that wears well, looks natural, and most importantly, has no harsh chemical odor — or side effects like burning or itching or drying. And I wanted something that ye could use to touch up just a few spots of gray on yer beard, mustache – and sideburns and eyebrows too! By the by, that be somethin’ NO dye can do – touch up yer eyebrows. Can I get a “Yo ho ho” here, pirates?

So working with a leading cosmetics manufacturer, we developed Blackbeard for Men Formula X, a long-wearing, patented, topical colorant. It looks natural, be water resistant, uses only proven safe, tested and mild ingredients used fer years in cosmetic products, wears 8 hours or more, and aye, applies in seconds. Plus I can leave some gray around the edges, which ye cannot do with a dye, for a totally natural look.

Once I started using Blackbeard for Men, I started getting compliments from all the lads and lassies alike, as to how young I be lookin’. I told a few of them what my secret was, and the reaction was always the same: “Cap’n, ye be needin’ to market this stuff!” Well, aye-aye then!

Cap'n Jim Answers Some of Yer Questions. Arr!

What is Blackbeard for Men?

Blackbeard for Men is patented, water-resistant brush-on cosmetic hair color specially designed for men’s coarse facial hair. It is NOT a dye. It can be used on its own to touch up gray patches in your beard, mustache, sideburns and eyebrows, or even to touch up your roots if you use a dye and don’t want to deal with the enormous hassle and skin irritation of constantly re-applying the dye.

Is Blackbeard for Men easy to use?

Arr, you bet, matey! Application time is usually under a minute. You just brush it on. If ye accidentally apply too much or get some on your skin, just wipe it off with a tissue and tone it and blend it with a beard brush. If ye want to leave a little gray for a natural look, go fer it. Blackbeard for Men Formula X dries in about a minute or so. Even then, you can still lighten/blend the color using a tissue or beard brush.

What are the benefits of using Blackbeard for Men?

Look younger instantly! Users of Blackbeard for Men report chopping a decade or more off their appearance in seconds. Check out our before and after pix and see for yourself!

blackbeard for men
Proceed boldly, knowing that the world perceives you as younger and more dynamic. You only live once. Make the most of it! With Blackbeard for Men, you’ll know that the world perceives you differently – better, stronger, faster.

Be more attractive. Why does having a thicker, fuller grayless beard make you more attractive? Because we perceive “greybeards” as old, and old equals tired and simply less desirable than new. Maybe it’s a psychological trick, but Blackbeard for Men users do consistently report being perceived as “more attractive.”

More opportunities for employment/advancement. Unfortunately, ageism is very real. In many fields, youth is valued while age and experience are treated with derision. If you’re looking for a job and you have a gray mustache or beard, unless you’re at the executive level, the deck is heavily stacked against you. Blackbeard for Men helps you even up the odds.

Is Blackbeard for Men safe to use?

Blackbeard for Men is hypoallergenic and non-toxic when used as directed. It was developed with a leading manufacturer of hair care and cosmetics products. The formulation uses only the finest approved and well-established colorants used safely for decades in other products around the world.

Blackbeard for Men has been independently safety tested by TUV Rheinland Laboratories, who pronounced Blackbeard for Men “safe when used as intended and under circumstances involving reasonable foreseeable misuse according to U.S. Federal Hazardous Substance Act (FHSA) Regulations and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations for Cosmetic Products.” As well, it has been tested and certified 100% mercury-free.

Blackbeard for Men is not a dye, so it is ideal for people who are sensitive to the harsh chemicals in dyes. Most people who are unable to use dyes are able to use Blackbeard for Men.

let yer jolly roger fly

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Cap'n Jim and his crew, scuttling the salacious scourge of gray facial hair with Blackbeard for Men instant, brush-on beard color. Arr.

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